Corporate Network
E-Square organizes/sponsors and operates the following two networks.
The Frontier Network (TFN)

The Frontier Network (TFN) is a network of leading companies that accurately captures evolving environmental and social constraints and, with its global perspective, is committed to increasing competitive advantage through sustainability and CSR activities. Each year member companies attend around 10 company workshops and various other sessions to maintain a continuous, active discussion and information exchange.
In addition, every year during a one-week tour in Europe and the United States, TFN visits members of international organizations (including the UN, OECD, EU, and others), leading corporations, research organizations, sustainability related associations, NGOs, and other experts to deepen its discussions.
TFN's activities include the following three main features:
- Collection of cutting edge information and analysis, as well as direct dialogues with key experts
- In-depth discussions amongst a diverse range of industry representatives
- Sustainability and CSR strategy implementation support from member companies
CSR Compass
![logo [更新済み].jpg](/images/logo%20%5B%E6%9B%B4%E6%96%B0%E6%B8%88%E3%81%BF%5D.jpg)
CSR Compass is a navigation tool for the continual advancement of CSR management. By providing information on domestic and international advanced practices, as well as major stakeholder trends, CSR Compass aims to anticipate the changing times and support the implementation of the comparative advantage that CSR management can offer.
Through the CSR Compass online database, information is provided through the following three lenses:
- A systematic understanding of strategic CSR to add corporate value
- A grasp of social trends in CSR and the environmental field
- A mastery of advanced practices for corporate CSR
Together with your company's current efforts and existing strategy, an understanding and analysis of these three concepts can help with the planning and expansion of your company's CSR management.
⇒For more information, please see the CSR Compass website